Tuesday, October 20, 2009

"Tensegrity" establishes a physical basis for organic, genetic & biochemical illness

Why is your Tensegrity so Important??

Look at following statements....

Annals of Medicine 2003;35(8),pp 564-77....Donald E Ingbar,MD, PhD, Children's Hospital and Harvard Medical School.

  • "The global shape of the cell dictates its behavior"
  • "Local changes in tissue structure also may explain why genetic diseases, including cancer, often present focally"
  • "When the shape of the molecule (cell) is altered, its biophysica properties change and hence biochemistry will be altered..."
  • "Because out bodies are hierarchial structures, mechanicical deformation of any tissues results in structural re-arrangements in many tissues"

Dr. Wells' Comments:

Can you see the application?

Basicallly there are many factors which contribute to build up of tissue tension within our bodies they are referred to as "perpetuating factors". These can be caused by different types of stressors to the body (trauma, repetitive activity, activities which cause postural distortion patterns, mental and emotional stress, nutrtritional imbalances etc.)

You really cant find any better pre-liminary sign of disconnect within the body then muscle tension whether the signs are subtle (mild tension) or dramatic (expressed as pain).

One of the first signs to be aware of is a feeling of re-strictiveness or compromised posture...even though pain may not yet have been expressed...aswell as a feeling of rigidity or inability to stretch it out.

While attempting to stretch or train on tight muscles and joints may be the first thought of most...this actually becomes more damging to the cells of the connective tissue predisposing them to additional distortion and compromise.

The solution lies in working more up-stream in the hierarchy and releasing the rigidity that has built up in the connective tissue system. This is what is done in the WellSport System of approach.

Once the "Tensegrity" is re-set to appropriate tension and re-connect and proper communication is re-established between the Connective Tissue and Nervous Systems...then we can re-direct the focus of the patient to re-enforcement of proper therapeutic movement and stretching.

See how powerful this can be for Sports Performance as well as Wellness and Prevention?

Key note: If you feel restrictions in movement or stretching ...you already have a problem going on and are overdue to have your "Tensegrity" re-set.

Most individuals will need to be re-set at a minimum of twice per month but optimally every week as athletes do.

You can also refer to my other posts on "Tensegrity"

Hope this helps you better to undertand why it is so important....

Please post any questions or comments..

Dr. Wells


Thursday, October 15, 2009

Attention!!! Triathletes, Runners, Cyclists, Endurance Athletes..........Are you as truly fit or as well as you think??

Sports Wellness and Performance

Attention!!!.. Triathletes, Runners, Cyclists and other Endurance Athletes!!!
Are you as truly fit or as well as you think????

Continued statistics continue to indicate that while most particiapate in these activities with the goal to promote fitness and wellness, it is a significant smaller percentage who participate to compete at the higher level. In either case, studies in sports performance and bio-terrain accessment continue to indicate that those who participate in such activities are continually exposed to: acute local inflamation; oxidative stress and free radical damage; adrenal storm and depletion which create the "Perfect Storm" for a global chronic inflammatory state unless proper mangement of training along with appropriate peripheral care is executed regularily.

By this time at least most individuals have had some exposure or are aware of at least some of the implications in reference to: "adrenal stress (overload or depletion)""chronic inflammation" and /or "oxidative damage"....In short these sub-clinical conditions create a terrain within our bodies which lead to cellular damage and dysfunction. Not only are they associated with the predisposition of conditions which proliferate in the state of inflamation such as: heart attack, stroke, diabetes and cancer among others chronic conditions but at the earlier sub-clinical stages, performance is detrimentally impacted because of tissue hypoxia(oxygen starvation) leading to an increase decreased ph or increased accidity within the body which interferes with metabolic processes including lowering the aerobic and anaerobic threshold limiting your out-put.

The Global "Tensegrity" of the overall connective tissue matrix of the body is also compromised which continues to proliferate the cycle. (See Blog on "Tensegrity") Ultimately performance continues to deteriorate and chronic health conditions develope unless appropriate strategies are implimented.

This is actually easier than you think if you know what to look for and how to address the issues. There are 7 principle areas that we objectively evaluate and address in an integrated approach.

Connective Tissue "Rigidity" is one of the leading clinical indicators that suseptibility already exists.

If you would like to be evaluated or pursue a program of prevention or reparation please contact my office: http://www.wellsport.com/

Hope this helps,

Dr. W

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Live Blood Analysis...Nutritional Microsopy

Nutritional Microscopy through Live Blood Analysis: Functional Nutrition

Live blood analysis is a technique which allows for an objective evaluation of the blood to identify irregularities and sub-clinical indications of a wide variety of different conditions that could lead to compromises in wellness. This technique is especially useful in aspects of wellness and prevention as well as performance enhancement because it allows for an objective evaluation at the sub-clinical stage before a clinical presentation or a dis-diseas process occurs. Live blood analysis allows for objective evaluation of your wellness via the blood at the cellular level. If you already have a significant compromise in wellness or clinical presentation Live Blood Analysis will objectively indicate the imbalance so you can take action to resolve it. It is time and cost effective as well as user friendly. Depending on the irregularities in your blood , there are a wide variety of different conditions that can be determined.

The following are just a few examples of these conditions:
  • State of Immune Reserves
  • Liver and Spleen Stress
  • Vitamin and Mineral Deficiences
  • Hormonal Imbalances
  • Fungal and Parasite Activity
  • Digestive Imbalances
  • Heavy Metal Toxicity
  • Predisposition to Atherosclerosis and Cancer....and other Degenerative Dis-Eases.

Unfortunately, the majority of diagnostic lab tests used today by conventional practitioners fail to be: as reliable, cost and time effective or accurate in indicating sub-clinical levels of a vulnerable state of health as does Nutritional Micrscopy through Live Blood Analysis.

It is highly recommended that Live Blood Analysis be apart of every individaul's wellness and prevention assessment program. It will take the guess work out of where you need to focus your time and money to invest in your health.

Kindly contact my office to schedule your initial test via: www.wellsport.com


Monday, October 12, 2009

Appropriate "Active Recovery" Proves Superior ....for Post-Race recovery in Triathlon and Running..

Appropriate "Active Recovery" continues to demonstrate as superior method of recovery for long distance competition such as Ironman and Marathon when compared to passive recovery or rest alone....

When I hear the words "I'll just rest" or "I'll just rest it", I almost cringe.

It is a phrase I frequently hear after an individual has pushed them self as a result of participating in a long distance triathlon or running race or someone whose training is being hindered by some repetitive stress or over training injury.

While the science of sport has demonstrated for years that active recovery is superior to passive recovery or rest alone in the areas of post race recovery and injury recovery, still a large number of participants apparently are not getting the message or not understanding the application.

With statistics indicating that an excess of 80% of those participating as runners and 70% as triathletes are in someway injured and attempting to train through it, it would be interesting to explore how these individuals approach their training,race or injury recovery.

While a statistic many may not realize, 0-30 days after participating in such events, not only did the vulnerability to injury increase by 50% but individuals were also extremely vulnerable to being immune compromised as expressed in significant increases in upper respiratory infections.
(American Journal of Sports Medicine.)

More later but something to think about,

In fitness and health,

Dr. W

Repetitive Stress Injuries (RSI) In Sport

09.10.12 Repetitive Stress Injuries (RSI) in sport.
Long before the pain… something was going wrong.

“Repetitive Stress Injuries” are the leading type of injuries in sport which sideline or prevent an individual from obtaining: the next level of performance, enjoyment of activity or holism in health. They occur from: repeated over-use, repetitive motion, imbalances in posture, lack of body awareness and motion or poor biomechanics over a period of time that ultimately create a compromise in the body’s “tensegrity”(see post on: “Tensegrity” 10/09/09). Running, cycling, swimming as well as many other activities on and un-balanced or rigid frame, pre-dispose the athlete or performer long before pain is present. In every case damage and dis-connect is occurring at the cellular level underneath the threshold of pain long before the pain is perceived. In most cases “Pain” is the “first wake up call” to those who fail to see or do not know the earlier signs of this process. While prevention seems to be the logical answer to most, statistics demonstrate an excess of 80% of those who participate in activities such as running, cycling, swimming or triathlon do so by attempting to train through the pain of a (RPI), having little understanding of how to truly prevent or resolve their condition. While it is unfortunate, many end up taking desperate over-generalized measures such as: pro-longed self medicating, un-necessary or inappropriate medical procedures or just giving up, instead of pursuing the appropriate approach to resolution. In every case the ultimate out come will depend on not just one variable but a total integrated system approach that takes in to account a number of factors.

To have your condition evaluated please contact my office via: www.wellsport.com

A goal oriented pro-active system of approach is the key to prevention and resolution of such conditions. There are 7 primary to evaluate and priorities in an effective program.

Hope this helps,

Dr. W

Friday, October 9, 2009

What is your state"Tensegrity"? Why is it so important?

Tensegrity?? What does it mean? Why is it so important?

The term and principle of "Tensegrity" has rapididly been a major area of focus over the past decade in the appied sciences of sport and longevity.

Why??? Because the state of our "tenesegrity" has huge implications on each of our lives. It is proabaly the single most important variable that provides us or prevents us with the ability to compete in sports, prevent injury, recover from injury and/or live in a heightened state of wellness. The term "Tensegrity" refers to the state of the tension in our connective tissue(CT) planes which cover our body. In fact there is a range of optimum tension that is neccessary within what is referred to as the "Living Matrix" of our body for our body to perform and exist in its highest state. Tensegrity is a useful architectural and energetic principle. It applies to the design of tents, sailing vessels, various stick and wire sculptures, toy models,suspension bridges and cranes. It also provides a valuable therapeutic perspective for how the body really works from a structural, movement, biomechanical or solid state perspective.

Tensegrity accounts for the ability of the body to absorb shock without being damaged. The more flexible and balanced the network(the better tensional integrity) the more readily the body absorbs shock and converts it into information rather than damage. This is particualarily important to athletes and other performers: flexible and well organized connective tissue relationships throughout the body enhance performance and reduce incident of injuries.

Since the living tensegrity network is simiultaneously a mechanical and vibrational continuum, restrictions in one part have both structural and energetic consequences for the entire body or organsim.

This has huge implications on sport and wellness as I'll post later.

Knowing and managing your "Tensegrity" is imperative to perfrom and live at your highest. Unfortunately most healthcare providers, trainers or coaches will not know how to evaluate it. If you'd like to set an appointment to access and evaluate your tensegrity I'd be glad to assist you.

More posts later Dr W

The Pain and Symptom Mangement Trap in Sport Performance and Wellness

While some individuals chose to participate in sports activities such as run, cycling, swimming, triathlon as well as other multi-sport activities for the sake of competition, the majority of participants participate in such activities with the goal of improving their health, wellness and longevity. With a heightened enthusiasm for the public to participate in such activities, statistics indicate that 80% of these who participate shortly, become injured after initiating their training regime. "Pain" was the most common indicator these individuals used to evaluate their state of condition. Clinical studies in functional and sports science indicate...while "Pain" or Symptoms are often the first sign or wake up call that most individuals use to determine something is wrong, the "symptom of pain" is actually the last sign in a chain of events that an underlying un-recognized problem, imbalance or detrimental condition has been in existence for an extended period of time. Statistics also indicate interesting enough, that the majority of conventional healthcare practitioners and personal trainers use the same symptom criteria to evaluate the health of their patients and clients. While this may be the norm it does not provide a very effective system for prevention of injury.

Clinical trials indicates that there are 7 principle areas of focus that need to be objectively accessed, evaluated and reconciled inorder to effectively prevent occurrence or to expedite recovery to proper function.

To schedule a consult or evaluation on your individual case you may contact my office via:www.wellsport.com.

Hope this helped,
